Spring Club Fair: Interviews with New Club Leaders

Lick-Wilmerding is known for being a school that brings together students from all backgrounds,  and from, a multitude of interests. The student-run clubs are a manifestation of this goal. At this semester’s club fair, four new clubs presented their ideas: Woodcarving Club, Philosophy Club, Paintball Club, and Farm Club. What inspired these Lick club leaders to found their clubs?  What are the club’s goals?

Farming Club. Photo by Liam Cohen.

One of the co-presidents of Woodcarving Club, Elliott Rosenberg ‘19, described his favorite aspects of woodcarving club. “We have a great teacher thanks to Mr. Sanborn. It is a lot fun and we get to discuss philosophy with Mr. Sanborn. In this club, we make you think 3D. We make you see instead of look and we make you focus on the x, y, and z axis. We make you focus on the convex, the concave, and the ups and downs. We teach ingenuity, innovation, and giving back to the community.” He related his experience in Woodcarving Club to the book Potiki that he is reading in English class: “Ultimately, you learn to become one with the wood.”

Ylva Bosemark ‘20 is president of Philosophy Club. Ylva explained, passionately, that “Well there isn’t a philosophy club here at Lick. I’ve talked to a lot of freshmen and sophomores and most people don’t know what it is and how philosophy affects them. I want this club to be a safe space for people to discuss philosophy and ask questions.” Ylva shared the club’s slogan: “All I know is that I know nothing.” This quote was taken from the famous philosopher, Socrates. Ylva said, “Socrates would go out in the marketplace and ask questions to anyone that walked by him. He didn’t care if it was a man or a woman, rich or poor. He would ask them philosophical questions. He helped spark a new way of thinking.”

Woodcarving Club. Photo by Liam Cohen

One of the co-presidents of Paintball Club, Andrew Boghossian ‘18, explained the impetus for founding Paintball Club.  “At Lick there are not a lot of clubs that participate in group activities outside of school and I think that is what makes Paintball Club so unique. We’re looking for anyone who wants to play paintball – whether beginner or pro. Students who play can learn the essential traits of loyalty, collaboration, and teamwork.” Boghossian added, “Although it does hurt to get hit with a paintball, you have a lot of fun!”

Maggie Drew ‘18 and Jackson Vachal ‘17 are the presidents of Farm Club. “Both of us worked on farms over the summer and our eyes were opened as to how useful sustainable farming techniques can be. Right now, the food system is really damaging to the environment. I think that small, localized farming is going to be the best way to keep the food sustainable.” Drew continued, “I now realize how hard it is to actually produce a head of lettuce. Somebody has to plant it and somebody has to maintain it by weeding it. The amount of effort and time it takes to harvest it if you’re buying organically is about two hours. That really opened my eyes to how I get my food, what it took to supply my food and where my food comes from, and helped me to think about where I buy my food. We’re working with other local farms. We will plant some herbs in the garden space here at Lick.”

Joe Woldemichael
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    • Joe Woldemichael

      Joseph Woldemichael is a sophomore. This is Joe’s first year on the Paper Tiger. He is Co-editor of the Features section. Joe began writing poetry in the 7th grade. He loves reading books and playing basketball in his down time. He also likes hanging out with his friends — and he loves sleeping.

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    Joe Woldemichael

    Joseph Woldemichael is a sophomore. This is Joe’s first year on the Paper Tiger. He is Co-editor of the Features section. Joe began writing poetry in the 7th grade. He loves reading books and playing basketball in his down time. He also likes hanging out with his friends — and he loves sleeping.