New PPP Independent Study Cohort

Christopher Schenk – Photo by JD LeRoy

Next year, English teacher Christopher Schenk is leading a new PPP independent study cohort. Students will be trained to be writing coaches and learn how to express ideas through writing in an elegant and coherent fashion. Each students will then be available during a block to help other students with their writing assignments.

Schenk expressed concern with the current system. He says, “Right now, students can get help with writing by meeting with their teachers, but students who share free periods with their teachers have more access than other students.” He hopes the writing program “will help diminish these barriers and inequalities.” By increasing the supply of those who can offer feedback on writing, it will offer students additional insight and practice. Schenk describes how “meeting requests [with teachers] skyrocket when big writing assignments are due, leading to the paradoxical situation that teachers are the least available for meetings precisely when they would be most helpful.” After this program is implemented, students will be able to access help more often, and be able to get meetings with teachers when it is necessary.

Schenk hopes that enough people sign up the first year so that there will be a coach available during every block. Sign up is open to everyone, even those who don’t consider their writing skills strong. Schenk says, “Being able to ask good questions is just as important as being a strong writer or having a good grasp of grammatical concepts– if not more so.”

Those who take the class will satisfy their PPP requirement, improve their writing and editing skills, as well as contribute to the Lick community. If you are considering signing up, Mr Schenk is glad to answer any questions you might have.

Adam Barr-Neuwirth
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