Weinstein Scandal Creates Space for Discussions of Sexual of Assault

Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. This means that about 881 Americans are victims of sexual assault every day.

The dynamics of predation have terrible consequences for both victims and predators. These dynamics weaken the fabric of society.

Among the many predators who have sexually victimized others to validate their own power is Harvey Weinstein. Since the first accusations were made against movie producer Weinstein, over 80 women have come forward and accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sex trafficking, sexual assault, and rape. His accusers include celebrities Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and Ashley Judd. One of the most horrendous allegations against Harvey Weinstein was brought forward by Lysette Anthony, who alleges that he raped her in her hotel room in the 1980s.

The Weinstein Company’s Board of Directors stated on ABC News on October 10, 2017 that they were, “shocked and dismayed by the recent allegations of extreme sexual misconduct and sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein.” They added that ” These alleged actions are antithetical to human decency,” and that the “allegations come as an utter surprise to the Board.” Although according to the New York Times,Weinstein’s lawyer, David Boies maintains “the board was made aware of at least three or four of these settlements”of sexual assault.

Sexual violence in the workplace is not a new issue. In an interview Monique Howards of Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR), the Philadelphia Rape Crisis Center, a non-pro t organization whose mission is to eliminate all forms of sexual violence, states, “ e continual usage of power and privilege that individuals have been exercising is sad. Do I honestly think Harvey is the only person? No. Recently there have been many similar cases and allegations.” Howards adds that one of the ways victims are sharing their stories is through “a twitter hashtag called #metoo, [serves as] a public support group where survivors can out themselves, telling a piece of their story. [Sexual assault] takes people’s voice away, takes away their agency. is twitter campaign is giving it back.”

Activist Tarana Burke first coined the term Me Too in 2006 to name her movement to support survivors of sexual assault. The #metoo hashtag was started by actress Alyssa Milano on October 15, 2017.

Howards comments that an important way to prevent abuse of power is to, “continue to explore what’s going on. It’s not just the movie industry. People in positions of power are constantly violating and harassing other people. e media can continue to report on sexual harrassment  and the experts that support the work that organizations do around healing. Having an assertive voice is so important because often the media has a passive voice, which in turn, supports the behavior.”

These issues of sexual violence have generally been hidden behind closed doors, and not publicly discussed.

These allegations have also gained national credibility partly because among his accusers were victims who are famous and white. They are women of reknowned wealth and power. As the actress Jane Fonda points out in an interview MSNBC interview on October 12, sexual abuse has been going on for a long time to people of all genders who don’t have the same power and celebrity status. Sexual harrassment occurs in all workplaces and venues, not just in those that are rich and poor. Fonda emphasizes that when “black women and other women of color” come forward their accusations “don’t get the same attention” as white celebrities.

The allegations against Weinstein initiated a slew of claims from other victims of sexual misconduct by powerful men in Hollywood. One example is House of Cards star Kevin Spacey, who allegedly made sexual advances towards Anthony Rapp in 1986. Spacey has now been accused by 24 men. Rapp was 14 years old at the time. Similar accusations have been made of Charlie Sheen, who has been alleged to have assaulted a 13 year old boy. Claims have also been made against comedian Louis CK, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by five women. Additonally, Melanie Martinez was accused of sexually assaulting her female friend. These issues are not only limited to entertainment, as Senate hopeful, Roy Moore, was also accused of assaulting and pursuing sexual relationships with minors. One of these women was 14 when she met the then 32 year old Moore. Earlier cases of sexual assault arose in 1991 when Anita Hill testified against Clarence Thomas who was a nominee for a Supreme Court seat. A New York Magazine journalist, Rebecca Traister says, “Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court; Donald Trump was elected president, despite the stories of 15 women who claim that he assaulted them. So the notion that we’re now in this moment where everybody’s going to pay is disproven by the guy sitting in our White House.”

The Weinstein controversy has also influenced cases in the Bay Area. Several girls at Piedmont High School have claimed sexual harassment of social studies teacher, Mark Cowherd. A er being investigated by district officials, his only punishment was being put on leave for less than a month in September, and was allowed to return to the school. is outraged many parents, who protested by posting #metoo on Twitter. Cowherd later resigned from Piedmont High School on October 27th.

One of the many questions people are asking about Harvey Weinstein is, how did someone get away with assaulting women for 30 years? One of the most significant reasons is the culture of silence in society and the abuse of power that exists in America. Assaulted women were bought off, forced to sign nondisclosure agreements, and even spied on by Weinstein. In an article in the New Yorker, Ronan Farrow, son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, alleged that Weinstein hired Israeli spies through Black Cube which is an agency that provides “highly experienced and trained [operatives] in Israel’s elite military and governmental intelligence units.” To gather information on victims, “Weinstein had the agencies ‘target,’ or collect information on dozens of individuals, and compile psychological profiles that sometimes focussed on their personal or sexual histories. Weinstein monitored the progress of the investigations personally. He also enlisted former employees from his lm enterprises to join in the effort, collecting names and placing calls that, according to some sources who received them, felt intimidating.” Weinstein’s representatives have denied these allegations.

While most of the assaults perpetrated by Weinstein took place in New York, some took place in L.A. and some in London. The allegations of rape could be tried in a criminal case because there is no statute of limitations for first degree rape in both California and New York, although most of the allegations are of assault, which could only be charged as a civil case due to the statute of limitations for misdemeanors and felonies.

Weinstein has settled multiple cases by engaging in settlement meetings and buying them of in return for signing non disclosure agreements. In a statement to Forbes Magazine, Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) reveals her proposal to make NDA’s illegal in sexual assault cases,“Secret settlements in sexual assault and related cases can jeopardize the public— including other potential victims—and allow perpetrators to escape justice just because they have the money to pay the cost of the settlements.”

Regan Fenrick
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