Class of 2024 Returns To Campus

All the members of the Class of 2024 were allowed back onto the LWHS campus at the same time on December 7.

Four freshman reflect on the experience of being with all of their classmates in a physical space for the first time: 

Ben Chung ’24

“I think that so far, going back to campus has been going well. It is really nice to get to see campus and be in a physical classroom. In terms of meeting people, the current schedule of only seeing people from our classes makes it so that we cannot, but we are able to finally get to know everyone in our classes for real. I also think both the in person teaching and the teaching from Zoom to an in person classroom has gone surprisingly smoothly. Overall I have enjoyed getting to be on campus and look forward to going more often.”

Frosh in the science labs.                                                                                                                                              Photo by Caitlin Kane

Coco Tao ’24

“It’s been really fun to see our whole grade all together — not virtually. It’s way easier to make connections in person. I’m meeting a lot of people for the first time and that’s really exciting.”

Senai Wilkis ’24

“Being on campus with my entire grade has been so much more amazing than I would have thought. All of the interactions that aren’t possible over a screen, like walking to class with someone or waving ‘hi’ to people in the hallways have made this week feel like real school more than being online ever did. I’ve really enjoyed having the opportunity to actually see the Frosh community that I’m a part of. I can’t wait to hopefully go back in the third and fourth quarters and build off of the connections I’ve already made in the past week.”

Frosh eat lunch in the shops pit.
Photo by Caitlin Kane

Sophie Lee ’24

“This week, it was extremely nice being back on campus. One of the biggest benefits of in-person school is that it helps me stay motivated and engaged in class. I feel like this week I have learned a lot more than I have in online classes and now I am definitely much more prepared for my finals. Obviously, the other huge benefit of being in-person is being able to connect with my classmates. This week I have talked to so many new people and have been able to make stronger connections with the people in my classes. I have felt especially connected to the people in my orchestra class because we only have five students. We were able to talk freely. Now that we’re going back into distance learning, I think the dynamic will be much different because of connections I made this week in person.”

Charlotte Kane
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    • Charlotte Kane

      Charlotte Kane is a Junior and it is her first year on the Paper Tiger. She enjoys biking, running, painting and playing guitar.

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    Charlotte Kane

    Charlotte Kane is a Junior and it is her first year on the Paper Tiger. She enjoys biking, running, painting and playing guitar.