Fall 2016 Sports Update

Lick-Wilmerding’s fall sports teams are at play on  the volleyball and tennis courts, soccer fields, tracks and pools. As league play approaches, competition is  fierce.

Varsity Men’s Soccer:

The Lick-Wilmerding Men’s Varsity soccer team is led by captains Drew Tomao ‘17 and Joe O’Connell ‘17. The team will have to deal without Nate Joseph ‘17, who suffered a torn MCL in the team’s third game, as well as  Loic Marcon ‘17, who is sidelined with an injury to his back. Even without Joseph or Marcon, the team is flush with seniors ready to step up. O’Connell is a strong physical presence in the middle of the field and Tomao’s versatility is a valuable asset to the team. Speedsters Chip Thompson  ‘17, with four goals and eight assists, and Jake Lenett ‘17, with six goals, have been getting past defenders and making the opposition sweat. Skilled seniors are playing well and underclassmen are proving that the team will remain strong after this year. In fact, underclassmen lead the team in terms of points scored. Zeke Rubin-Moore ‘19 has eight goals to his name, and Marc Eidelhoch ‘20 has earned the title of freshman phenom by scoring five goals and dishing out five assists.

Although the team lost its first game to Urban, they are currently ranked first among NCS Division 5 Schools. The team looks to maintain that  ranking with upcoming league games against rivals Drew and Urban.

Cross Country

It should be a very exciting season for both the men’s and women’s cross country teams this year, ranked #3 and #2 respectively. Both teams are comprised of strong returning top 7s including Lindsey Bach ‘17, Jill Reilly  ‘17, Maya Rich  ‘17, Jen Yeo  ‘18 and Maggie Drew  ‘18 on the girls side as well as incoming freshwomen Mira Terdiman  ‘20 and Viva Donohoe  ‘20. Their primary challenger in BCL West is University High School, and will be St. Joseph’s Notre Dame, Sonoma Academy, and Branson at NCS. The men’s team lost only one top 7 runner – the beloved Brian Ebisuzaki 16 – and will return with top runners Sean Laidlaw  ‘18, Erik Stein  ‘18, Eddie Dilworth  ‘19 and Jackson Vachal ‘17. On the men’s side, tough competition is expected from University and St. Joseph’s Notre Dame, as both schools have an extremely strong top 7.  A relatively light schedule in October is  followed by a busy November with BCL, NCS, and State Championships all packed into a 30-day period.

Women’s cross country on the starting line photo by Leslie Dicke

Varsity Women’s Tennis

Will the Varsity Women’s four-peat as BCL champions? Seniors Tanima Joshi ‘17 and Jane Liu ‘17 and juniors Franny Jacobsen ‘18 and Jeanne Peabody ‘18 are the captains of a team ready to defend its title. Among the twenty-three women on the team are freshman phemon Olive Maunupau ‘20 and talented newcomer Saoirse Lewis18. The team took care of business with wins over Drew and Convent without one of the captains, Peabody. She returned from a concussion to help the team sweep University to remain undefeated. With league playoffs quickly approaching, time will tell if Lick will retain supremacy over the BCL.

Varisty Women’s Volleyball

Coming off a deep NCS run, the Women’s Varsity Volleyball team has entered into the season looking as strong as ever. Elyssa Nicolas ‘17 and Lily Krausz   ‘17 are the captains of a squad that consists of star freshman, Caitlin Cummings ‘20, returning middles Coco Sachs ‘17 and Annike Cummings ‘17 and three-time MVP Jessica Cusi ‘18. The team made a statement with its recent dub over powerhouse Marin Academy, 3-0 at home. Lick’s dominance has also led to their defeats of archrival University winning 3-1 at home, and 3-2 at University. The secret to the team’s success? Nicolas credits the breakout season to “cheering and energy.” With a stiff test from Lowell and playoffs right around the corner, the Tigers will put a near perfect league record on the line. Excitement awaits.

Varsity Water Polo

This fall marks a historical moment when the first official goal was scored for the water polo team during an away game against San Leandro. After playing a few exhibitions last season the team has finally entered into regular season play. Both teams have had tough games against DIV II schools, but with talented players on both sides the team has been growing rapidly and continues to improve.  The team is led by Captains Nick Dolce ‘18, Kelby Kramer ‘17. and Evan Fuller ‘18.

Celia Clark
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