Fall Sports Update: Varsity Soccer

The Lick-Wilmerding Varsity Soccer team has had a very successful season so far. With a record of 8 wins, 1 loss, and 3 ties, Lick has accumulated 38 goals and conceded only 11 goals.
Team captains have made a huge impact on the way the team has functioned this year. For the first portion of the season, the team was deprived of two of the captains, Riley Hockett, and Caio Driver, due to injuries, but still had the leadership of Moss Brenner- Bryant to lead the team to a successful start. Plus, when Riley and Caio returned, they added more momentum.

The season hit a rough patch after a tough loss to Marin Academy, but quickly bounced back to winning ways after a big win against Urban with a score of 7-2, starring 4 goals by Marcus Simmons ‘16, and 2 from Nate Gorjance ’16.

According to coach Gavin Birmingham, ex semi-pro player in England, “This is probably the most talented group of players the Lick team has ever had. I think we’ll be disappointed if we don’t take home the BCL (Bay Coast League) playoff title and the NCS (North Coast Section).” Historically, these titles have been dominated by the “forces to be reckoned with”: Marin Academy and University. But this year, the tables have turned, and everybody has their eyes on the Lick Wilmerding Varsity Soccer team to change up the tempo of the league but it’s going to take dedication, hard work, and habits of mind to bring home a couple of new titles to the wall of champions.

Watch the promo video by Kapp Singer ’18:

Loic Marcon
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    • Loic Marcon

      Loic Marcon is a senior At Lick-Wilmerding. This is his second year as Co-editor in Chief of The Paper Tiger. He first worked for the newspaper his sophomore year at Lick, serving as Co-editor of the Sports Section. Loic began writing as a seventh grader, when he joined an expository writing program. Frank Bruni, Amy Bloom, and David Brooks are a few of his all-time favorite authors.

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    Loic Marcon

    Loic Marcon is a senior At Lick-Wilmerding. This is his second year as Co-editor in Chief of The Paper Tiger. He first worked for the newspaper his sophomore year at Lick, serving as Co-editor of the Sports Section. Loic began writing as a seventh grader, when he joined an expository writing program. Frank Bruni, Amy Bloom, and David Brooks are a few of his all-time favorite authors.