Gender Week: Lick Who? #3

"What was the most interesting thing or your favorite part of the movie [The Mask You Live In] today?" "My favorite parts were that whole list of statistics. I thought it was super interesting because I had never really thought about the lives of boys much, especially about video games and how they impact a boy's mind."
“What was the most interesting part of the movie [The Mask You Live In] today?”
“My favorite parts were that whole list of statistics. I thought it was super interesting because I had never really thought about the lives of boys much, especially about video games and how they impact a boy’s mind.”
"I think the most interesting thing was when they had the people in prison for manslaughter who were shedding light on the cause and effect of their actions as a result of what a man is supposed to be. That's an aspect of crime that is often pushed under the carpet." "I really found the section where the teacher gives all the students paper masks and has them write how they look on the outside and feel on the inside really impactful because a lot of boys don't really have the opportunity to show how they feel. That would be something really good for society."
“I think the most interesting thing was when they had the people in prison for manslaughter who were shedding light on the cause and effect of their actions as a result of what a man is supposed to be. That’s an aspect of crime that is often pushed under the carpet.”
“I really found the section where the teacher gives all the students paper masks and has them write how they look on the outside and feel on the inside really impactful because a lot of boys don’t really have the opportunity to show how they feel. That would be something really good for society.”
Zoe Harris
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