photo by Eleanor Sananman
Have you noticed something new about the LWHS campus? No, it’s not the construction beginning in the parking lot — although that is a new feature. It’s the mural put together by Oleg Osipoff’s Mural: PPP class during the spring semester of 2016.
The courtyard mural was created by students in collaboration with Jessica Sabogal ’03, who guest-taught the course. Sabogal, who now works full-time as an artist, is well-known for her posters and murals. Recently, her designs of different types of women depicted with the words “We the People” were the face of the January Women’s March after the election of President Trump.
The LWHS mural depicts the different faces of the Lick student body in vibrant green and blue hues. Above the picture reads “INDIVISIBLE.”
Students in the Drawing and Painting Mural PPP course also created eight four-by-four foot patterned paintings which now hang on the wall outside of the music room. These murals were designed by Osipoff in conjunction with the student body. Students chose cultural sources for the “Patterns of the World” project.
When asked about the role of the Sabogal mural in our community, Osipoff responded, “A community benefits when an object in its midst portrays an idea that creates a sense of connection. Public art has the power to strengthen the ties that we share as part of a community. We felt that creating a mural showing outline portraits of students would convey the goal of unity within the school. The colors are intentionally unrealistic to emphasize similarity rather than difference. The mural’s title, ‘Indivisible,’ is meant to make this apparent.”