Playlist of the Week: Isabella Yin ’20

“I like to have a mix of genres, decades, and artists, otherwise I get bored of just listening to pop music. I listen to my music while doing busy work or with my family. This playlist has something that everyone in my extended family can enjoy.”

Loic Marcon
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    • Loic Marcon

      Loic Marcon is a senior At Lick-Wilmerding. This is his second year as Co-editor in Chief of The Paper Tiger. He first worked for the newspaper his sophomore year at Lick, serving as Co-editor of the Sports Section. Loic began writing as a seventh grader, when he joined an expository writing program. Frank Bruni, Amy Bloom, and David Brooks are a few of his all-time favorite authors.

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    Loic Marcon

    Loic Marcon is a senior At Lick-Wilmerding. This is his second year as Co-editor in Chief of The Paper Tiger. He first worked for the newspaper his sophomore year at Lick, serving as Co-editor of the Sports Section. Loic began writing as a seventh grader, when he joined an expository writing program. Frank Bruni, Amy Bloom, and David Brooks are a few of his all-time favorite authors.