Playlist of the Week – Nate Pola

As you listen to this meticulous playlist, crafted by Nate Pola, you may notice that these songs are right on tempo with the bustling of students and the sound of chewing. This is not a coincidence. The original purpose of this playlist was to be blasted from the speakers in the caf. A song on this playlist that describes Nate Pola, or encapsulates his personal experience at Lick is “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” by War. In the rare moments when Nate Pola is alone in the car and not listening to music, he solemnly stares out the window and thinks about when he will take his next nap. During these naps, he will dream about having front row seats at a Billy Joel concert, which affirms his enthusiasm for 80’s rock, a category that many songs on his playlist fall under.

Lucy Barnum
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    Lucy Barnum

    Lucy Barnum is a senior at Lick-Wilmerding and the co-editor in chief of The Paper Tiger.