The Paper Tiger understands that the following subject has been highly controversial. This article has been fact-checked with care by both members of the administration and a senior class leader. We recognize that people may have experienced these events differently but believe that this is an accurate representation of the issue. If anyone would like to have a discussion about the events, use the comment box below or approach members of The Paper Tiger staff directly.
In the last few weeks, the most contentious issue in the Senior Class has been the closure of the Senior Section. To help clarify discussion, the Paper Tiger offers a timeline of key events revolving around the closure of the Senior Section.
Early on – Due to controversy regarding what should be put up in the Senior Section, the administration articulates through signs placed in the Senior Section that no music is to be played except during tutorial and lunch. They say that the seniors should not put anything up until Class Reps are elected.
9/7 – Throughout lunch and the two class blocks following lunch, LWHS seniors begin pinning trash on the wall in the senior section. Items include: banana peels, La Croix cans, chip bags, a dollar bill, teacher assignments and an admissions handbook. Seniors also leave trash on the tables and floors of the Senior Section. A facilities member comes across the mess and expresses their disappointment directly to the administration. This prompts the complete closure of the area. To signify the closure, caution tape is put up and signs announce, “Senior Section will be closed until further notice.”
9/8 – That night, the caution tape is taken down because of Back to School night, but the Senior Section remains closed. The senior class discovers by word of mouth that the Senior Section can not be officially retrieved until Class Representatives are elected on 9/19.
9/12 – Students begin to meet with the administration to apologize for the acts committed on Wednesday, September 7. While the apologies are appreciated and necessary, no official action can be taken until reps are elected. In addition, a Lick student announces to his class via Facebook that the perpetrators should assume responsibility and apologize. Ms. Wiley told the senior during their meeting that those who “felt it okay to create the wall in a public space as a joke,” should “assume responsibility for it by coming forward.” Later, one senior – who was involved in the incident – decides to write letters of apology to the administration, the kitchen staff, and facilities. The student would get those involved in the trash wall to sign the letter, but no such signatures were presented when the letter was sent out. It was sent anonymously.
9/12-9/17 – The issue remains unaddressed as the class waits for representatives to be elected. The Class of 2017 continues to discuss amongst themselves via Facebook threads and casual conversation. The class and/or those who participated did not begin any kind of redress, such as apologizing to facilities and the cafe staff.
9/18 – A note in the Weekly Tiger is sent out to parents regarding the closure of the senior section. It urges families to discuss the meaning of community stewardship.
9/19 – Senior Class Representatives are elected.
9/23 – Student Body Co-Presidents meet with Ms. Wiley and Mr. King to discuss the issue. During the conversation, a few main topics arise. First, there had been a lack of respect in terms of sincerity with apologies – only two people had stepped forward to claim responsibility. Amongst the students involved in the trash wall are bystanders, who the administration would like to see take action. Also, the administration views the trash wall as a minor incident in a larger issue which is the alleged divisiveness of the Class of 2017. It is made clear that the seniors would not be given guidelines on how to get the senior section back, but the administration would like to frame it as an opportunity for maturity and a challenge to overcome as a class. While clear guidelines are not spelled out, the school would like to see all senior leaders step up and take action to retrieve the senior section and possibly get to the root of a larger class issue. These ideas are initially communicated only to Eric and Leila, but are eventually expressed to the grade during the class meeting on 9/26.
9/26 – Senior members on Executive Student Council and the Senior Class Reps run a class meeting to discuss the issues concerning the Senior Section. The Reps also present the senior class with a survey posted in the Class of 2017 Facebook page. It will provide them with a general class sentiment about what is happening with the Senior Section. The data taken from the survey will be presented to the administration.
9/28 – Senior Reps meet with the administration and present the info provided through the survey.
*The Paper Tiger originally reported that the letter sent on 9/12 was signed by the author only. This was inaccurate, the letter had no signatures and was anonymous.